apa persamaannya???

1- ditunjangi individu yahudi. kebanyakan individu yang terbabit didalamnya adalah yahudi.

  INTEL - Ringakasan: Intel mempunyai 5buah kilang d israel iaitu di

operating since 1974  Intel Israel was the first development center outside the United States.

Intel are one of the biggest supporters of Israel. Their very first development centre outside the US was opened in Haifa in 1974. Since then they have continued pouring investment in to Israel.[2] By year 2000 they employ over 4000 israelis. Exports from their Lachish-Qiryat Gat plant in israel (opened feb 99) total $ 3 million a day at peak capacity - approximately $ 1 billion a year. - sumber [http://www.moital.gov.il/NR/exeres/49CA1B09-31FC-4D88-A603-FFD3D78A973C.htm]

Investments in Israel
From Embassy of Israel website:
  • Fabrication facility in Jerusalem - $1.6b
  • New facility in Kiryat Gat
  • Design Center in Haifa.
  • 5% holding in RADVision for $1m (4/97).
  • Acquired Shani.
  • Invested in RADGuard (5/98).
  • Owns 100% of Intel Israel (1974) Ltd.
  • Inaugurated $20m development campus in Haifa(1998).
  • Invested in TelesciCOM of Holon (4/99)
  • Acqires DSP for $1.6b (10/99)
In one 100-day period last 2006, Intel unveiled more than 40 processors, most based on the Israeli design.




2- warna biru dan putih dikenali sebagai "Judah's Colors". + "White and tehelet(light blue or the color of sky), along with gold and purple, were the colors of the High Priest's raiment (Exodus 28: 4,43) and of the curtains of the Tabernacle (Exodus 26). They were considered to be the colors of purity symbolizing the spirituality of the Jewish people" sumber - Israeli Foreign Ministry

Fikir-fikirkan... Ramai umat islam yang terpedaya oleh tipu helah mereka..memberikan teknologi hanya untuk mengumpan masyarakat islam agar leka dan lalai terhadap tanggungjawab sebagai muslim...
apa yang boleh diberikan oleh processor canggih? sudah tentu utk kepuasan multimedia dan hiburan..
komputer terawal tidak mempunyai processor yang kuat=tiada game dan multimedia...sekarang??? ramai remaja yg menghadap komputer semata2 utk bermain game, menonton video dan bersosial dlm laman sosial...Anda bagaimana???