1. Spiritualists are able to use mental proofs to strengthen their spiritual arguments, but thinkers or philosophers are not able to use spiritual proofs to strengthen their mental arguments.
2. All levels of society love to visit spiritualists especially spiritual leaders in their lifetime. This does not happen to thinkers or philosophers. Even if there are people who visit them, they are confined only to the secular intelligentsia and academicians. People of the lower rungs of society do not visit them.
3. Thinkers and philosophers can only think of the physical world but not the spiritual or super natural world. Spiritualists can think of both worlds.
4. Some spiritualists are given advanced warning from mystical sources of incidents before they happen. This does not happen to thinkers or philosophers.
5. If thinkers or philosophers go anywhere, nobody gives them respect by kissing their hands or by accompanying them. But spiritualists are respected wherever they go. People kiss their hands and accompany them and strive to be their guests.
6. People weep and mourn over the death of spiritualists. People become sad and they feel that such deaths are a great loss to mankind. This does not happen to thinkers or philosophers and people do not mourn over their deaths.
7. People are very much interested in spiritual knowledge. Such knowledge is disseminated to all mankind. This does not happen to the knowledge of the thinkers. Its dissemination is limited because people generally are not interested in such knowledge.
8. People celebrate and commemorate special occasions of the spiritualists especially their dates of birth. People do not do this to thinkers or philosophers.
9. Although by their coming, thinkers do bring about some progress to the world, at the same time they also bring about damage and destruction. The coming of spiritualists to the world cleanses and mends the world of the destruction caused by the thinkers.
10. Thinkers and philosophers are symbols of vain, pride and arrogance on earth but spiritualists are the symbols of humbleness and noble character.
11. Thinkers have never succeeded in nurturing their nafs (lust and desire), much less, the nafs of other people. But spiritualists are people who have especially succeeded in nurturing their own nafs and also the nafs of other people.
12. Most people succeed in nurturing their minds but not many people succeed in nurturing their souls. This is why the world is so full of clever but evil people.
13. Chaos and anarchy that occur in this world are not caused by the lack of the intelligentsia who can think about it or leaders who are able to overcome it but are caused by the souls of mankind that are ruined. This include the souls of the intelligentsia and the leaders themselves. As such, in trying to correct the society that is ruined, they make the situation much worse.
14. No matter how intelligent the thinkers and philosophers were, they never had, in the course of history, succeeded in building the character of mankind. They only succeeded in making people clever. But spiritualists, like the Apostles and practising theologians, were able to make mankind clever and to build their character as well.
15. The graves of thinkers are seldom visited but the graves of spiritualists are visited by people everyday.
16. Thinkers and the intelligentsia are only able to build material civilization but spiritualists are able to build spiritual civilization.
17. If the purpose of the life of mankind is to attain only the worldly, then the services of the thinkers would suffice. But God wants mankind to know His entity that is Supreme and to know the form of life that is much higher which is the life in the Hereafter. This is why Allah sent His Apostles and Prophets.
18. Thinkers only succeed in introducing mankind to the worldly life which is lowly, cheap and which will end in destruction. But the Apostles and Prophets succeed in introducing mankind to life in the Hereafter which is higher and which will last eternally.
19. Among the honour bestowed upon the Apostles and the Prophets, is that they are much more loved and remembered every day by mankind compared to the thinkers and philosophers.
20. The Apostles and Prophets are the symbols of man’s idolization of Allah SWT whom we are obliged to worship but thinkers and
philosophers are the symbols of man’s idolization of material progress and civilization and all things that are worldly.
21. The Apostles and Prophets are regarded as pure and perfect amongst mankind but this is not true with the thinkers and philosophers.
22. Thinkers and philosophers bring forth theories and ideologies but the Apostles and Prophets bring forth religion. There is nothing in common between these two teachings.
23. Today, the Muslim ummah, adulate and revere ideology more than religion. They struggle not for religion anymore but for ideology.
24. Today, ideology has become religion and religion has become esoteric antiques that are stored in books and kept in cupboards as items of decoration.
25. Allah bestows the West with numerous thinkers and philosophers, but Allah bestows the East with numerous Apostles and Prophets.
26. When the Muslim ummah began to believe in ideology and to struggle for it, unity amongst Muslims ceased to exist. Even if there are parties who apparently struggle for Islam, their techniques and methodology are similar to those who struggle for ideology. As a result, the feeling of possessing God and of being a slave of God is non existent or has become very thin and very weak.
27. True spiritualists never suffer from emotional disturbances but thinkers and philosophers are subject to such ailments.
28. For spiritualists, the sharper and purer their souls, the more they love and fear God. But for thinkers and philosophers, if their minds are left alone to themselves, the sharper their minds become, the closer they are to nullifying the existence of God.
29. True spiritualists are able to sharpen their minds, and their souls and minds can both be strong at the same time. But thinkers and philosophers are not able to sharpen or strengthen their souls based on their strength of mind.
30. People are greatly taken by the theories and philosophies of thinkers and philosophers but they do not have loyal followers. Spiritualists always have loyal followers.
31. Spiritualists are people who worship only God but thinkers and philosophers worship their minds and take their minds as God.
32. Knowledge of the spiritualists can easily be understood and in fact, it calms the soul. But knowledge of the thinkers or philosophers cannot be easily understood an in fact at times it causes headaches and makes the soul restless.
33. Normally it is others who first practice the theories of thinkers but spiritualists are the first to practice their own knowledge.
34. Spiritualists give people confidence in God but thinkers make people lose their confidence in God.
35. Thinkers accept only views and opinions based on logic but spiritualists accept things based on faith and belief although it is apparently illogical.
36. The views of thinkers are solely based on logic and nothing else but there are views of spiritualists that can be accepted based on logic besides faith.
37. Some thinkers and philosophers worship alcoholic drinks and liquors and are intoxicated by them but spiritualists worship God and intoxicate themselves with their love of God.
38. Normally, most thinkers and philosophers accumulate only knowledge and theories and it is others who practise and struggle for them. Spiritualists on the other hand are the first to practice and propagate their own knowledge.
39. The theories of philosophers are always nullified by new theories and philosophies that come later. This does not happen to the teachings of spiritualists because the concept of the unity of God does not change and remains the same since the time of Prophet Adam AS. to Prophet Muhammad SAW.
40. Thinkers and philosophers are often arrogant and egoistic. Spiritualists are far different. They are humble and are of noble character.
41. People are greatly taken by the opinions and knowledge of thinkers or philosophers but they are not taken by their personality. On the contrary, people are greatly taken both by the knowledge and personality of spiritualists.
42. For the spiritualists, those who love them will really love them and those who hate them will really hate them. But for the thinkers and philosophers, those who love them do not love them too much and those who hate them do not hate them too much either.
43. After the Muslim society were influenced by the thoughts of Greek philosophers, the Muktazilah sect which was biased to the mind was born within the Muslim Ummah whole opinions were very much opposed to the Sunni sect (Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaah).
44. Among the deviationist concept of the philosophers is to regard that the universe is without beginning (qadim), just as God is without beginning.
45. Thinkers and philosophers normally do not like to mix with society. The spiritualists are far different. They mix with society.
46. Thinkers and philosophers do not nurture or educate the society but spiritualists do.
47. Even if thinkers and philosophers know the ailments and diseases of society, they do not know how to remedy them. But spiritualists, besides knowing the ailments of society also know how to remedy them.
This entry was posted on 7/05/2006
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